Photo Source: Antonino Rampulla
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The Greek chariot

In relation to the faithful reconstructions of the tools used at the time, recently made in Selinunte and in Valle dei Templi, and in comparison with Study of a Roman Cart by Paola Miniero, the axles of Greek carts of the time had to be no higher than half a meter from the ground and the gauge (i.e. the distance between one wheel and the other) had to measure between 140 and 150 centimeters. They had to plausibly be pulled by at least a pair of pack animals (as represented in the numerous numismatic and artistic testimonies that have come down to us) and have wooden but iron-shod wheels. Another reference for estimating the gauge is the width of two oxen side by side: the width of an ox is about 70-80 centimeters, so the minimum gauge between one wheel and the other, to maintain a certain stability, had to be at least 140 centimeters. Another clue about the width is given by the average length of the blocks obtained from the quarries, that is 130 centimeters, or, placing two of them side by side on the long side, 120 centimeters wide. In both cases, it would have been useful to have a margin on each side of at least ten centimeters and a gauge equal to at least the width of the platform. Therefore, the estimate of a gauge between 140 and 150 centimeters, for a typical Greek chariot, seems plausible.
In any case, any rocky outcrop on the ground that exceeded 40-45 centimeters in height would have started to be an obstacle, and the minimum width of the “carriageway” (therefore between one furrow and the other), would have had to measure at least 140 centimeters: in the Granatari Vecchi district, in Rosolini, there are cart ruts with a maximum width of 130 centimeters and with outcrops of 70 centimeters.
The maximum load that a Greek chariot could bear, also in relation to the information available with respect to wooden chariots with a similar structure but built in different eras, had to be around 2500 kilograms. However, one must also take into account the weight that the driving force, i.e. a pair of oxen, could have pulled, i.e., considering that a single ox develops a pulling force capable of moving 350-500 kilograms, a pair of oxen is able to move 700-1000 kilograms, obviously on flat ground, on a surface that is not too tortuous and with yokes of optimal quality. Clearly, they could have used more pairs of oxen. The slopes affect the weight: roughly the weight of the load increases by 10% for every 10% slope. In any case, as tested by mountain artillerymen of the last century who, travelling along mule tracks, still used oxen to move artillery pieces, a pulling ox seems to have a limit in the 20% slope. The already mentioned cart ruts known as Scala Greca, in the Targia district, in Syracuse, has a section with a steep slope that probably exceeds 20%. In the center of the roadway there are holes, about twenty centimeters deep and with a diameter of about thirty centimeters, corresponding to the sloping section, which Paolo Orsi interpreted as specially dug to allow the parking of pack animals, thus recognizing the difficulties that a cart pulled by oxen would have had in traveling along it. This Greek Staircase, according to the eminent archaeologist, could only be traveled in one direction, uphill, since in the opposite direction, precisely because of the steep slope, it would have been impossible to prevent the loaded carts from overwhelming the animals. The same holes are found in other cart ruts in the area, always corresponding to slopes (even less extreme).
Chersifone and Metagene

In the already mentioned De Architectura, two particular transport systems are also described, designed by the Cretan architects Chersifone and Metagene (respectively father and son) for the movement of the rocchi (i.e. the sections) of the columns and for blocks of great weight and size that would have been used as architraves. The first consisted in exploiting the cylindrical shape of the rocco, using it in fact as a wheel to be pulled by pack animals; the second in harnessing the large block in a cylindrical wooden structure, thus also making the block a wheel to be pulled. However, Vitruvius specifies that both methods could only work on smooth, flat terrain and for relatively short distances (reporting the real case of the construction of the temple of Diana in Ephesus, in which such technical escapades were applied and allowed to travel 8000 feet (that is, about 2.5 km). They would therefore not have been machines that could be used, for example, on the problematic terrain of the Pizzuta area. reconstructions have been put on display in Selinunte.

The sleds The sleds could essentially be of two types: one type consisting of two axles on which a loading platform was mounted, pulled by oxen, made to slide on wooden boards, movable, which were moved forward as one proceeded, therefore similar to the lizzatura; an inclined type, called treggia, anchored directly to the oxen, which therefore also bore the static weight of the load, similar to the They called it Trinity, so to speak…
In both cases, it was a system that generated a lot of friction, therefore it certainly needed good lubrication (olive oil or animal fat?), with strong limitations especially with regard to the sling (less transportable weight, greater stress during transport, greater friction and less effective lubrication, given that the "pads" are directly in contact with the earth and dust). Observing the morphology of the terrain of some quarries in the area (in particular, the Pizzuta and Marzamemi districts) I would rule out transport by sling and would bet little on lizzatura. However, I was not there…
A tribological analysis

The company Nanovea has made available on its website a tribological analysis that is indirectly useful for estimating how much time and how many passages carts or sleds could have produced the cart ruts. This is a comparative test of the wear resistance between a slab of marble and one of calcarenite, consisting of rubbing a small sphere of alumina (ceramic aluminium oxide) 1000 times, applying a pressure of 10 Newtons (equivalent to the weight of 1 kilogram), with a hardness, according to the Vickers scale, of approximately 1800 HV (iron, according to this scale, has a maximum hardness of 80 HV, therefore 22.5 times less than alumina): the groove caused on the calcarenite slab was found to be 0.2 millimetres deep. Using the results of this test as a basis for calculation, it follows that to create a pair of parallel ruts 22 centimetres deep (i.e. the average of the measurements taken between the Targia and Granatari Vecchi districts, the two sites I visited where the cart ruts are best preserved), a 1000-kilogram cart with iron wheels would have had to make 25,000 passes, thus transporting 50,000 blocks, for a total volume of 11,700 cubic metres (since I could not estimate the exact weight of the empty cart, I neglected the return journey). There are about twenty parallel cart ruts at Targia. Ignoring the fact that some of these converge at a certain point into a single one (only that the latter, instead of doubling, tripling or quadrupling the depth of the ruts, as logically should be, given that it collects the converging traffic of several cart ruts, strangely maintains the same average depth of the ruts of the converging cart ruts), the volume of blocks transported would have been roughly around 230,000 cubic meters which, considering the size of the polis Syracuse, is a more than plausible figure.
However, given the presence of numerous other latomie in the Syracuse area and also given the phenomenon of the plundering of many works throughout history, in order to reuse the construction material, it becomes extremely complicated to estimate exactly how many blocks were extracted, from where and for what they were used. It is assumed, precisely because transportation involved considerable logistical and practical difficulties, that the quarries were always in function of specific nearby construction sites.
It becomes more problematic to justify the ten or so cart ruts parallel to Granatari Vecchi given the absence of important lithic works in the surrounding area and, vice versa, the absence of cart ruts at latomie of a certain size, such as at Marzamemi.
Mottershead, Pearson and Schaefer

In 2008 Derek Mottershead, Alastair Pearson, Martin Schaefer published a interesting study on the Maltese cart ruts, in the journal Antiquity.
Using the Shore Scleroscope, an instrument that measures the resistance to penetration, therefore the hardness of materials, they found that the resistance to erosion of the rock banks of the Maltese sites of Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir (better known as Clapham Junction), Bin?emma and Naxxar, where there are several cart ruts, if completely saturated of water, is reduced between 25% and 84% (the Clapham Junction rock is the least hard). However, in real conditions, that is, after a heavy downpour has wet the rock only externally, which therefore remains more or less dry inside, the resistance to erosion decreases only between 18% and 56%. The presence of any lichens, moreover, mythifies the phenomenon.
From the analysis of the grooves, the authors of the study exclude that they could have been dug by hand with typical tools (such as picks or chisels) since the smoothing is inconsistent with that type of workmanship, therefore leaning towards a formation resulting from the passage of vehicles. According to scholars, a cart useful for producing the cart ruts of Malta, would have had to have two wheels (like the traditional carts in Malta, which presumably have a very ancient origin), probably rimmed with metal, 4 centimeters wide, with a diameter of 145 centimeters, a gauge of 140 centimeters and an empty weight of 250 kilograms.
Compared to a static object, for example a stationary wheel, a dynamic object, such as a moving wheel, produces a stress, on the underlying surface, 6 times greater. Therefore, for a moving cart it is 6 times easier to alter the ground, compared to the same stationary cart.
To deform the wet Maltese rock by compression, therefore simply by means of a stationary cart, a total weight of between 400 kilograms (at Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir) and 9000 kilograms (at Naxxar) would be sufficient. If the empty wagon alone were in motion, it would be sufficient to erode the dry rock at Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir and the wet rock at Bin?emma. To erode the wet rock at Naxxar, such a wagon would have to be loaded with 665 kilograms. Instead, in dry conditions, the load should weigh 640 kilograms at Bin?emma and 950 kilograms at Naxxar.
Basically, the authors simply want to demonstrate that there is no need to bother with the transport of the much heavier megaliths with which the various temples in Malta were built (including the famous ?gantija) to explain the formation of the cart ruts: an “ordinary” use of the carts would have been enough.
Sleds and sleds, as systems that would have formed the cart ruts, are excluded from the study because the weight of the load would not only weigh on the contact surface of the wheels of a cart, but would be discharged onto the skates in contact with the ground. Basically, we would be dealing with a third-class lever that would drastically increase the friction and force required to maintain its lifting and towing, making the system practically impractical. Furthermore, according to the authors, the presence of furrows even 65 centimeters deep would be incompatible with a sled that, plausibly designed to carry at least 1000 kilograms, could not structurally leave an adequate gap for the depth of the furrows (65 centimeters) between the loading surface and the runners.
The furrows on the weak rocks (at Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir) would have formed in a shorter period of time than those on the more resistant rocks (at Naxxar) which therefore, at the same depth, would have been used for a longer time. At Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir, some cart ruts converge into a single one, which is deeper than the two confluent ones, since it would have intercepted the passages of both the previous cart ruts.
The maximum depths of the furrows found are substantially the same, even if the rocks are different, since the limit of passability was determined by the state of wear, given that the vehicles evidently had standard characteristics. The cart ruts with the deepest ruts would have been abandoned in favor of new routes, thus leading to the duplication of the routes: this is how the authors of the study partly explain the presence of multiple parallel cart ruts. Probably the current rutted rock surface was originally covered by soil, which would solve the apparent senselessness of some routes: in other words, the soil would have covered rocky obstacles that would have emerged as those routes were practiced, to then either make them deviate or, simply, abandon them in favor of alternative routes. This would be another reason that would explain the presence of more parallel cart ruts.
In short, the particular abundance of cart ruts in Malta would therefore be based on environmental rather than cultural factors: the relative softness of the rock would have allowed the use of cart ruts only for a short period, forcing the identification of new routes which, in turn, would have had a rapid course; furthermore, the presence of obstacles gradually emerging from the wear of the routes, would have forced their deviation or the choice of new routes.

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Text Source: Antonino Rampulla
Read also CART RUTS CUT FROM QUARRIES In the presence of slopes, even slight ones, in some cart ruts in the Targia district, in Syracuse, central holes are found with a diameter of between 30 and 50 centimeters and a depth of 15-20 centimeters, spaced about 50 centimeters apart. Neither the position (they are not exactly in the center of the cart ruts and perfectly aligned with each other), nor the shape appear perfectly regular: either the passage of time and any wear have profoundly modified their original shape or, simply, they have never had a systematic regularity. However, the offset in position between one hole and another is never completely “off-axis”: there is always a portion about twenty centimeters wide that coincides with the same portion of the previous and subsequent hole. The best preserved and most defined holes are found in the cart ruts usually called Scala...
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Read also THE POLISHING OF THE CART RUTS I will skip any preamble, referring to to what has already been written regarding the presence of cart ruts in south-eastern Sicily.Considering the possibility that the cart ruts were gradually dug by the passage of carts pulled by pack animals, for example pairs of oxen, observing certain sections of the cart ruts present in the Granatari Vecchi district, in Rosolini, and in the Pizzuta district, close to the Vendicari Reserve, two questions arise: 1. Why force the animals to pass over rough surfaces and protrusions high, compared to the base of the furrows, even 60-70 centimeters? 2. Why, in the presence of such obstacles, not opt for a detour? For Mottershead, Pearson and Schaefer such protrusions appeared later, since at the time of the passage of the wagons, a layer of earth covered the rocky bank, thus not making the obstacle...
Read also THE PROBLEMATIC EDGES OF THE CART RUTS I will skip any preamble, referring to to what has already been written regarding the presence of cart ruts in south-eastern Sicily. To proceed with this comparison I have chosen a probable capital and the corner of a recess present in a block of the northern walls of Eloro that would seem to resemble a pinax, that is, a niche that would have housed a fresco of the heroa, but which a more careful observation refers to a system functional to the grip of the block through a pincer winch. Both elements, like the curt ruts, have remained at the mercy of the elements for millennia, and are therefore subject to comparable wear and tear due to the passage of time. The finishing of the capital should be of a high standard, since it is an architectural element that also has an aesthetic function. The recess, on the other hand, should have...
I will skip any preamble, referring to to what has already been written regarding the presence of cart ruts in south-eastern Sicily.As can be seen in other sites around the world, in some cart ruts I visited, in particular in the Cugni district in Pachino, in the Granati Vecchi district in Rosolini and in the Targia district in Syracuse, a clear border can be seen, a sort of frame, next to the grooves, more marked externally, barely noticeable internally. The borders I measured have a width of 14-20 centimeters and a height of 8-10 centimeters. Not all cart ruts have such frames present or particularly evident, regardless of the degree of wear or degradation. They are found above all in cart ruts with less deep grooves. As already described in detail, given the presence of furrows with a depth of even 65-70 centimeters, the wheels of a possible vehicle would have had to have a...
Click here to return to third part Clapham Junction As in the Maltese site Misrah Ghar Il-Kbir, also in the Targia and Granatari Vecchi districts the cart ruts intersect and cross each other in a similar way to the track switches in a railway station. The nickname Clapham Junction that was given by David H. Trump to the Maltese site, derives precisely from the similarity with the famous English railway station. For Sagona these are agricultural furrows and water channels, for Mottershead, Pearson and Schaefer these are abandoned paths due to obstacles and wear. Obviously we do not know what the morphology of the Syracuse and Rosolini territory was at times when the cart ruts were traced, but considering the current context, there certainly would have been no agricultural reason to build them, given the presence of fertile land, springs and fresh water courses just a few kilometers...
Click here to return to SECOND PART Considerations on the theses of Mottershead, Pearson and Schaefer I find this study extremely interesting, even if I am perplexed by this emphasis on the loss of hardness of the wet rock given that Malta is among the European territories at greatest risk of desertification (as is unfortunately also the south-eastern area of Sicily). We don't know exactly what the climate was like in Malta when the cart ruts were made, as we don't even know for sure how old they were made. However, it might be understandable to take the humidity factor as a starting point. n strong consideration, in relation to a territory constantly subject to rainfall, but why would the ancient Maltese have had to intensely travel with loaded carts right after a downpour, with all the inconveniences that for example the mud would have entailed? The Maltese territory is...
Who I am Rereading the final draft of what I have written, I think it is appropriate to spend a few lines to introduce myself. I am Antonino Rampulla, owner of the agri-campsite whose website hosts this blog, a graduate in philosophy, with a growing passion for archaeology, born from curiosity for the archaeological sites of which, in particular, south-eastern Sicily is rich. Certain of my substantial ignorance on the subject, I try to make up for it by studying in my free time. However, not infrequently, I happen to come across historical certainties, academically shared, that clash a bit with what logic seemed to suggest to me from the observation of some details of the archaeological sites visited. So, simply, I ask myself questions and, with the most scientific approach possible, I try to look for answers. The result is the pretext to search for information, study and publish in...